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A psychological thriller by Brian Philipsen

Book-Cover-1500John Haught is an average American man with an above average level of anger. Stuck in life, and stuck at the Dry Cleaning shop in a bad side of town during his lunch hour, John stumbles into an antique store and changes the course of his life forever.

What would you do if the very moment that you will die was revealed? Would you heed to warning, or disregard the call of fate? What if you had only mere minutes to live? Would you believe it? Would you take advantage of the knowledge of your death and take the opportunity to mend broken relationships, or would you use your impending doom as an excuse to execute your revenge on the world for the shortfalls of your own spent life?

This is John Haught, and this is his lunch hour.

“A tapestry of characterization, a haunting, page-turning tale of deserved comeuppance.”

LM Foster, Author, 9th Street Press

The Prick of Time is available in paperback and eBook download at:


Apple iBooks

Barnes & Noble


Find out more about Brian Philipsen at http://brianphilipsen.com/

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